
Thanks for visiting the blog of Ellen Livingood of Catalyst Services. Our initial blog posts will feature updates about the Cape Town 2010 congress. I hope you enjoy this window on this amazing gathering of Christian leaders committed to making Jesus known to the ends of the earth.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cape Town in Retrospect

I would guess that everyone who attended the Lausanne Congress is still processing what they learned, the individual conversations they had, and the emotions of the experience. The question of "Where do we go from here?" looms large. If Lausanne is going to be more than just a missions conference on steroids, each of us needs to seriously consider what we do as a result of Lausanne III.

While there was a major push for the North American delegation to commit to attending a follow-up meeting in Orlando in the spring, I did not hear a lot about how we could help each other determine our personal follow up. Maybe it is just too idividualized. Anyhow, I've been carving out some time to determine how God would have me respond in the wake of the conference.

First of all, I would like to share some of the highlights with as many of you as possible. In groups, over dinner (that can be taken as a not-so-subtle hint, lol), or via letter/email, etc. I hope that I can somehow convey some of the feeling of what it means to be a 21st century Christian who is part of a global body of Christ as never before experienced. You and I have opportunities prior generations never dreamed of. We the church also face unprecedented opposition and hurdles--challenges that should be tackled together.

I am also in the process of following up with some of the people I met in Cape Town. Please pray for wisdom for next steps of collaboration in at least two important opportunities--one in North America and one in Asia.

Thanks to all of you who have followed this blog. I may add some other posts from time to time and will anounce them from Facebook and possibly Twritter. (Confession, my tweets have been few and far between.)